Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I've noticed that a lot of people write about Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, etc. but very few people ever write about Curves. Curves is a fitness facility (franchised) that helps women lose weight, strengthen their bodies, and feel better about themselves.

Curves is a 30 minute workout including a cool down and stretches. You work on a machine for 30 seconds and then walk, dance, or whatever on a recovery square and repeat. (recovery Squares are boards supported by springy foam stands in order to be low impact) All the machines work on hydraulics. Basically you are working against yourself instead of resistence weights. They space out the machines so that you aren't working your arms for two machines in a row but alternate muscle groups for maximum effectiveness.

30 seconds on a machine, 30 seconds on a Recovery Square, completeing the curcuit twice followed by a stretching setion. To be really effective you should workout 3 times a week. Though a lot of women go more than often than that.

The trainers are really supportive. They know how much to push you and when to let you go for it yourself. They set up interesting challenges for you to meet and cool incentives to complete the challenges.

Curves has locations all over the world and if you're interested in joing a Curves, visit their website to find a location near you.

Another great thing about Curves is that it's all women; no men. So you don't have to worry about what you'll wear, or if your hair looks alright. There is no criticism within the group and you'll get to know some amazing women and hear their inspirational stories.

I think the best part of Curves is the network of women. They all help each other with encouragement. If you lost a lot of weight one month, they'll praise you. If you happened to put on some weight one month they'll give you a boost back onto your horse.
Curves makes you proud of the curves you have and I'm proud of mine.

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