Saturday, April 25, 2009


I am currently at work, listening to boring Muzak on the phone. I'm trying to replace an expired gift card for a customer. Oh Joy. However, it's made me decide that I'm going to put my active plans for weight loss on hold for the rest of the week. I'm not going to just eat whatever I want or stop walking, but I'm going to spend less of my focus on it during my last week of work.
My boss gave me this really weird schedule for my last week, so I'm adjusting. However, I will be able to eat the right foods and walk everyday after the 2nd.
Woo Hoo!
I'll still post my weigh in on Monday, so I'll see you then.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I've noticed that a lot of people write about Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig, etc. but very few people ever write about Curves. Curves is a fitness facility (franchised) that helps women lose weight, strengthen their bodies, and feel better about themselves.

Curves is a 30 minute workout including a cool down and stretches. You work on a machine for 30 seconds and then walk, dance, or whatever on a recovery square and repeat. (recovery Squares are boards supported by springy foam stands in order to be low impact) All the machines work on hydraulics. Basically you are working against yourself instead of resistence weights. They space out the machines so that you aren't working your arms for two machines in a row but alternate muscle groups for maximum effectiveness.

30 seconds on a machine, 30 seconds on a Recovery Square, completeing the curcuit twice followed by a stretching setion. To be really effective you should workout 3 times a week. Though a lot of women go more than often than that.

The trainers are really supportive. They know how much to push you and when to let you go for it yourself. They set up interesting challenges for you to meet and cool incentives to complete the challenges.

Curves has locations all over the world and if you're interested in joing a Curves, visit their website to find a location near you.

Another great thing about Curves is that it's all women; no men. So you don't have to worry about what you'll wear, or if your hair looks alright. There is no criticism within the group and you'll get to know some amazing women and hear their inspirational stories.

I think the best part of Curves is the network of women. They all help each other with encouragement. If you lost a lot of weight one month, they'll praise you. If you happened to put on some weight one month they'll give you a boost back onto your horse.
Curves makes you proud of the curves you have and I'm proud of mine.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Walking Song of the Week

Pump It by The Black Eyed Peas. This song is great for the middle of your workout to help you pick up the pace and keep moving. Big on the whole motivation thing. This isn't my only fav of their's for walking, but it conveys what my purpose for walking is, and helps me stay focused.
Thanks BEP.

Weigh In Time

Hi Everyone! Welcome to a lovely, drizzly, Monday morning.
So I almost to post my weigh in today. Hell, I almost forgot to weigh myself today. But ... drumroll please ... my current weight is 278.8lbs with a body fat percentage at 45.1%. I am pretty happy. I mean, normally, I experience a quick weight loss and then start to even out but I'm happy with 2lbs per week.
That said, I also haven't been following a strick nutrition plan. I've eaten sensibly and in smaller portions but still, have given in to foods that I want to eat. Like today, for instance. My Mom got me, my sister, and herself Chinese for lunch. Though I did have a slightly healthier Chicken and broccoli this time. And then I just had a brownie after dinner.
Mmmmm ... brownie! Of course now I feel a little guilty, but I know that I'll be better.
It's going to take a couple of false starts before I really get going. And if all I'm able to do is lose 2lbs per week, then I can live with that. Because that still spells out progress.

Of course, Ideally I want to lose weight faster than this. And I want to really start incorporating a little jogging into my walks.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oink ! Oink !

I was a total pig today. After my healthy lunch of Lean Cuisin Turkey Club Panini, I decided to treat myself to 1 donut. Count that 1 donut. But the second I got to the counter at Dunkin Donuts, I saw the munchkins and bought a 25 pack. I then proceeded to eat all but 5 which I graciously offered to my coworkers.
I suppose it's better than eating 20 whole size donuts but man, what a pig.
Anyways, I'll be making up for it tonight while I walk on the treadmill. I've also been bringing boxes from my storage locker home, so yea! for heavy lifting.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Today I gave my boss an official letter of resignation. I know, you all think I'm crazy for quitting a job in this economy. However, I have enough money saved up to last me til I get another job plus I live with my parents who buy all my food and pay for my cell phone. I currently work for a Customer Service desk in my local mall where I am the assistant manager. I no longer wish to be the boss nor do I wan to deal with butthead employees who can't do what they're asked to do and a mall management team that is purely and wickedly annoying.
So I am going to take a summer school course and try to find a job where I will only be working about 15-20 hours a week. Then in the fall, I might conider just doing school. I'll definately be attending school full time, I just don't know if I'll work during that time. We'll see.

On a positive note, I have been eating really well today. No real exercise today 'cause my inner thighs feel like they've been stretched to the moon, but tomorrow I should be back on the treadmill. My thighs are just yelling at me for pushing myself to walk 3 miles in less than an hour. 58 minutes and 2 seconds to be precise. :) (can you tell how proud of myself I am?)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Walking Song of the Week

Everything I Can't Have by Robin Thicke.
It's got a Salsa flavour that I love. Plus he has this sweet, melodic voice. The song makes you wanna move and dance. I first heard the song on Step Up 2 and had the hardest time finding it 'cause it wasn't on the soundtrack.

Weigh In

My current weight is 281.4lbs and my body fat percentage is 45.4%. Still ick considering I've only lost 2.2lbs, however, I haven't been doing too well, following a healthier way of eating the last couple of weeks. Work problems and Easter waylaid me a little.
So a couple of stats:
Current Weight - 281.4lbs
Goal Weight - 160lbs
Weight Lost - 2.2lbs
Weight Left to Lose - 121.6lbs.
However, today, I start anew. I ate a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I went to Curves this morning (though I was only able to complete 1.5 circuits; apparently I ate too soon before working out) and I walked the full circuit at the reservoir this afternoon.
I feel amazing.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter Everyone!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Easter. My morning has been going fairly well. Of course, being a Holiday, I didn't make my healthy breakfast. Instead I ate 2 glazed donuts from Dunkin Donuts and a handful of Cadbury Fingers.
I am resolved to make a healthy lunch and I know that I'll be eating a relatively nice dinner of Spiral Cut Ham and mashed potatoes with lots and lots of veggies.
And for anyone wondering why I have a picture of a Stuffed Cow in this post, this is Stanley. My Mommy gave him to me in my Easter Basket (yes, she still makes us baskets). Isn't he cute?
Enjoy the holidays everyone and I'll be back tomorrow for Weigh in.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I have to admit that I'm quite a picky eater. One of the reasons I've never gone on a real diet or lifestyle change is that I feared the foods I'd have to eat. However, there are quite a number of veggies and fruits that I do like.
My Mom and I went to the store the other day after Curves and I bought some Cauliflower, plums, strawberries and today we were able to find some nice cucumbers.
Some of the veggies I like are broccoli, brussel sprouts (my favourite), carrots (cooked), corn (although it's pretty starchy), peas (also cooked), mushrooms (but only mixed in with other foods), and a couple of others. See? I told you i was picky. In my defense though, I know a lot of people who don't like brussel sprouts, broccoli, or cauliflower.
Fruit is a little easier to eat. Mostly because they can taste sweet.
The fruits I like are:
Plums, Peaches, Strawberries, Blackberries, Lemons, Limes, Oranges (some varieties), Kiwis (yum), grapes (mostly green, though I'll eat red), apples (only Granny Smith), etc.
One fruit I'd love to try is Starfruit. PastaQueen mentioned in a blog posting that they taste a little like limes. I imagine I'll like them then.
Next summer, my Mom and I are going to plant our own veggie garden so that we won't have to spend so much money on veggies. This summer, we're going to plan out where the garden should go and kill off the sod where it'll go.
A little random info, We used to have a calendar that hung in out kitchen that was pictures of fruits and veggies made to look like they had faces and things. It made food fun.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Walking Song of the Week

Buttons by The Pussycat Dolls is my favourite song for this week. There's just something about it that makes you feel sexy. Like just listening to the song makes me hotter. Who knew a song could do that for you?

Weigh In Time

I ordered a new scale from recently and it finally came in this Saturday. I was so excited. Of course I didn't read the description when I placed the order so I didn't know that I needed a 9volt battery to operate it. So I went over to CVS and picked up two for the price of one. Yea, money saved!
The scale I chose is the Taylor Body Fat Scale. When I found it it was on sale and I got it for bout $22.00, normally it goes for about $50.00.
So I currently weigh 283.6lbs and my current body fat percentage is 45.2%. Yuck! But I know that I'm working hard to lose the weight and become much, much healthier.
I walked 3 miles on the treadmill yesterday and I went to Curves this morning. I want to make sure that I'm not just working on aerobics or cardio but strength training too, which is what Curves can provide me.
I also made this great chicken breast recipe for lunch today. It's pretty much, 1 can of Cream of Mushroom soup mixed with about 2/3 of the can filled with water. You mix that with about 2 cups of brown rice, cooked and place the mixture in a 9x9 glass casserole dish. Spice it up a little with salt, pepper, garlic powder and paprika, add 2 chicken breasts to the top. Bake in a 375 degree oven for 45minutes and you get a tasty way to cook chicken. Plus it made enough for me to take to work tomorrow for lunch.
I also made mini-egg bakes in muffin pans. It was actually an idea I got from a comment on PastaQueen's blog. This way I can pop them in the microwave in the morning for a quick breafast on the go. Yummy!
Thank goodness for recipes. They make my life less dull. See you next time.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Kick in the Pants

I gave myself a good kick in the pants last night after I thought about not walking just because it was yucky outside. So, I hopped on the treadmill and walked my way through 3 whole miles in 60 minutes and 57 second. Woo Hoo. Then I did it again this morning.
Let me tell you, it's harder to walk indoors on a treadmill, then outside on a path. I couldn't tell you why, but it is. I was so sweaty after walking that I had to take a shower last night and this morning. Yuck!
But boy do I feel satisfied. Go Endorphins! I love you!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I admit it. I fell off the proverbial weight loss horse. I had a really bad day at work on Tuesday and to make myself "feel better," I got Mickey D's for dinner. Of course eating junk food just made me feel worse. It's a vicious cycle. But I've spent the last four days eating what I wanted, when I wanted and not walking except to do something at home or work.
However, I am getting back onto the horse and I'm feeling better already.
I've decided to be proactive with my future career. Starting in the fall, I will be going to back to school in a local Community College. I took the last year off from classes because I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life. Now, I've decided to become an Administrative Assistant by getting an Associates's Degree in Business Office Technology.
I am so excited about going back to school that if it weren't for the fact that it's been raining like crazy all day, I would go for a walk at the Reservoir. Of course I could walk on our treadmill, but it's not the same.
Anyways, tomorrow is a new day and I will be jumping hurdles with the best of them.