Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eating Habits

Lets talk habits shall we?
Growing up I ate food because I wanted to. Cookies were yummy, so were brussell sprouts. My parents tried to limit how many snack we had. Sugar was right next to the healthy veggies in this category. But I was like a lot of children; when you say no, we find a loophole. I remeber vividly, hiding in the pantry chowing down on contraband cocolate chip cookies. I climbed in, sat on a shelf, turned off the light, shut the door and chowed down. Boy did they taste good.
As I got older, I started to become lazier. I didn't run around like the other kids at recess. I didn't join a soccer team (we didn't have the money). And I only had one friend starting at about 9 years old. So I sat around, watching TV.
When I was 13, my family moved from Canada to the US right at the beginning of Summer Vacation. I didn't know anyone, so I sat around, watching TV and eating. A Lot.
As far as I can remeber, I never ate to consol my feelings. At least not most of the time. I ate because I wanted to.
However, about 6 months ago, things started to go a little wonky at work and I noticed myself heading straight to MickeyD's after work for some comfort french fries. That's when I realized that my eating habits changed. When I feel frustrated ... I eat. When I feel depressed ... I eat. When I feel tired ... I eat. I think you can see where I'm going.
I'm trying to eat more consiously now. Of course it doesn't help that my appetite is pretty large right now. Well, really, I've always had a big appetite.
I'm going to try and drink lots and lots of water and eat lots of healthy veggies like cauliflower and cucumbers for snacks to see if that'll help my appetite a little.
It's either that or I make myself stay hungry for a few days til I adjust. I might have to use both methods.
See you next time.

Ok, Shoot Me & Weigh in Time

Alright, I surrender. I was a lazy poster and have not posted a thing in over a week. Last Sunday I wrote that I wasn't going to worry about any weight loss stuff for the rest of the week and that I would post my weigh in the next day. Well, obviously that didn't happen. Every Monday morning, I'm supposed to get up and weigh myself, except that last Monday, I forgot to. Then I was going to weigh myself on Tuesday and forgot again. At that point I figured I wasn't going to get anaccurate weigh in anyways so I waited until this Monday. Except that I didn't post my weigh in on Monday. I did however, weigh myself. So my official weigh in on Monday was 285.2lbs with my body fat percentage at 44.6%. The weight thing sucks because for those of you who can count, that means I've gained 6.4lbs in the last two weeks.

Just so you know, I'm sticking my tongue out at myself.

I have no excuses except to say that I'm lazy. Pure and simple. I over ate a little and I stopped walking.

However, I am headed right back onto track this week. And next week will be even better. Tomorrow I will get my last paycheck and then I can get gas for my car, register for Fall classes and head on over to the reservoir for a long over-due walk.
I promise my next post won't take so long in coming.